
So far this year I believe that the quality of my pictures have definitely improved. I started out doing ok with my pictures and ideas, but they were easy ideas. My thought for pictures has changed greatly. I feel i took the assignment father than requested when we did the blue project. I felt that I was really creative when I added food coloring to the water. When I took my first pictures i did not really put a whole lot of effort into it. But eventually I started thinking differently when taking pictures and started to put more effort into it. Even if they shot is hard to take you should still try a find a way to take it. My participation is good in this class. I am on time with my assignments every time and am always getting good grades on them. When improving I have improved the most in the area of composition. I have started focusing more on colors and what colors go well together and which contrast each other. Next semester i will continue to improve when taking pictures. I hope to get more creative with my thinking ad picture taking.


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