
Showing posts from December, 2019

Midterm Project



So far this year I believe that the quality of my pictures have definitely improved. I started out doing ok with my pictures and ideas, but they were easy ideas. My thought for pictures has changed greatly. I feel i took the assignment father than requested when we did the blue project. I felt that I was really creative when I added food coloring to the water. When I took my first pictures i did not really put a whole lot of effort into it. But eventually I started thinking differently when taking pictures and started to put more effort into it. Even if they shot is hard to take you should still try a find a way to take it. My participation is good in this class. I am on time with my assignments every time and am always getting good grades on them. When improving I have improved the most in the area of composition. I have started focusing more on colors and what colors go well together and which contrast each other. Next semester i will continue to improve when taking pictures. I hope

Second part response

These images completely change the perspective of the image. Now we can see that the image of the girl is being painted by the small man. When looking at image 3 you are able to see every aspect of the women. Everything about the painting looks real, even the reflection in the eyes. The size of this painting is massive, it takes up the entire side of a building. It most likely took a very long time to make this because the person would have to spend such time with every little spot to get the detail that he did. The location seems to be is a part of own that is abandoned because you can see spray paint above the girls face. I think the title suggests that she may be the only person left in an apocolypse thats why her face is so emotionless.


When I look at this picture i see a small man climbing up the face of a women. What i think this means is that the man is trying to get to know the women but the women is not showing interest, so the man has to climb up to the top of her for her to find interest in him. This is an artistic image because it have deeper meaning than it appears to have. The image is clearly photoshopped because the man is much smaller than the women. The scale of the man being small is to show that the women thinks of the man as low and does not find him interesting.